Thursday, November 12, 2009

I know it's not always November, but sometimes it can feel like November forever.

Tonight there's an insidious and determined wind. It got into all my clothes as Bella and I toured the neighborhood just now. I know the barks of all the individuals in these backyards. The dog we know as 'brindle boy', whose real name is Tex, is going through a change. In summer he was sweet, silent and indolent, positioning himself on the yellow line and staring all the cars down. Now he barks and startles, hurtles down the road after trucks, and skulks around the edges of houses. I think he's becoming a teenager, and, as he doesn't look to be 'fixed', I'm predicting trouble.

Everything was a perfect deep blue just before dark and we made it home without getting too cold.

These are some of my favourite photos in a long time. I spent part of the day trying to get them printed the way I want. So far no success: the paper not thick enough, the ink needs to bleed a little. Anyway, they're from after the freeze, before the snow. Oil slick on a swamp:

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